文章分类: 中学


Waynflete hosted its third annual Chamber Music Festival on Sunday, March 7. This event was a big milestone for the school—the performance by the 上学校 Chamber Ensemble was the the first live musical performance in Franklin 的ater since January...


的 中学 recognized and celebrated Black History Month in February with the first-ever Black Heroes Project. After a presentation from 中学 Director Divya Muralidhara about two of her heroes (Jacqueline Woodson and John Lewis), 学生和教职员工...

Intern Mohamed Kilani creates inspirational artwork at Waynflete’s remote hub

With support from the Winter Break 社区 Engagement Fund (established by the McKeen Center for the Common Good), Bowdoin senior Mohamed Kilani has been interning at Waynflete over the past few weeks. 莫正在攻读西班牙语双学位...


2月11日, Head of School Geoff Wagg gave a virtual State of the School address to the Waynflete community from the Klingenstein Library in the 较低的学校. Geoff reviewed the past year, outlined the elements that will help shape...


By Divya Muralidhara (中学 Director) 的 years of early adolescence are full of change and challenge. At Waynflete, we see this juncture as one of profound growth and discovery. Our students are leading community drives, working with younger peers,...


By Betsy Langer (中学 history) Middle school parents know that it’s just not realistic to expect their sixth-graders to sit still, 保持安静和专注, 听老师讲课50分钟. 在bet365官网bet365官网知道这个中间地带...

7 Ways to Reduce 中学er Stress and Improve 的ir Ability to Learn

By Kate Ziminsky (中学 seminar instructor) Life can feel overwhelming to the middle schooler who is navigating longer periods of focused attention on academics, 努力平衡课外活动和家庭作业, 并开始走向成年...


We checked in with three Waynflete middle school teachers recently to discuss some of their favorite books on the subject of racial justice... Alyssa Goodrich: "I love teaching 的 Hate U 给 by Angie Thomas because this novel meets eighth...


Students in 中学 Seminar recently gained a better understanding of the form and functions of the brain stem (in Seminar, this is called the "cave brain" or "lizard brain")—the parts of the brain that do the basic work of...


By Kate Corbett LCSW (school counselor) 的 halls of middle schools are filled with students experiencing a period of intellectual, 物理, 社会情感的变化只有在婴儿时期才能与之匹敌. For years, schools have treated “middle school drama” as something...


By Lorry Stillman (6-12 English) Middle school is the most important time in a child’s life for emotional and academic development—a pivotal few years when children gain a sense of identity and independence, 在社区中发展他们的声音...


We're looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces back on campus! Be sure to check out this brief video that provides an overview of the new Swivl technology that will be in our hybrid classrooms this fall. 的...


的se resilient and determined young people accomplished something very special together this semester. 一定要看看这个30人的组合!演奏《bet365官网》,这是一首高难度的保加利亚民歌. 观看视频


每年六月, the sixth grade culminates the year by celebrating students’ learning through the preparation for and presentation of the Night at the Museum. This year, as with all of our school activities, our culminating event went online—a celebration of...

Science/visual arts collaboration: seventh graders contribute models to traveling exhibition

In 2019, Portland artist Anna Dibble began planning a collaborative public art installation to help promote stewardship and awareness by reconnecting people with the natural world. 的 multi-year art/science/education initiative would focus specifically on biodiversity changes in the Gulf of...

bet365官网将举办一年一度的女孩摇滚! 会议

Waynflete is thrilled to once again be hosting the Hardy Girls 健康y Women annual "Girls* Rock!会议于3月27日举行. Hardy Girls 健康y Women takes girls seriously through year-round, state-wide programs that put the power in their hands to challenge...

Waynflete to host second annual Invitational Chamber Music Festival

Members of the community are invited to the second annual Waynflete Invitational Chamber Music Festival on Sunday, 3月1日在富兰克林剧院.  We are bringing young musicians together (grades 7-12) to share, learn, network, and perform! 1:00 p.m.-工作坊、大师班及社交活动(仅限参与者)...


中学 Seminar teacher Kate Ziminsky uses restorative yoga poses and yin postures to help students reduce stress, 镇静的神经系统, 促进一个平静的睡眠周期. Kate uses a stress relief and calming yoga video at times during Seminar,...


传统还在继续! After completing in-depth studies about the Chinese Spring Festival, 传统的风俗, 食物, 问候, 十二生肖历法, middle schoolers presented their findings in Assembly—including a dragon dance in celebration of 中国新年.


Make time to stop by the Waynflete 画廊 to view the Harness 的 Wind exhibit, 从1月22日至3月12日. 的 EC-12 show is inspired by our community-wide read of 的 Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba....

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